Friday, November 25, 2011

Sea Glass

So throughout the semester, whenever I've gone near a beach, I've kept my eyes peeled for sea glass (as there is tones of it here!). I have begun to build up quite a collection (today's haul really raking it in). I think it is really pretty to look at and I'd like to do something artistic with it some day (maybe when I retire and have time??).

I like to imagine that each piece has some historic story, comes from a far away place, and perhaps even came from some sort of treasure lost at sea. In reality, it's all from broken beer bottles, but hey a girl can dream!

Today's haul:

Overall collection:

I've been bleaching everything just to be sure that I've killed any hitchhikers. As it turns out, you can kill more flies with bleach than honey. How do I know this? Well I laid out honey one time in my old apartment when we had a fruit fly infestation. Number of flies caught and killed? ZERO. And I left it out for several days. Fill a sink with bleach and leave it for a few hours-number of flies caught? TWO! And this was unintentional!

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