Monday, July 8, 2013

Clinic Day 1

Gosh I am so tired! We were given an early start time of 6am today, but silly me used my Grenada phone as an alarm clock and forgot that it doesn’t recognize different time zones so it went off at 4:15 local time instead of 5:15. Yay.

We had two hours of orientation and breakfast before officially opening our doors to clients and pets this morning. We were split into groups of three and each respective group went through procedures and processing in further detail from yesterday. After that, we paired up and it was time to begin!

I spent my day in receiving/discharge. My partner and I took turns taking a history on our patient, educating our clients about various health issues, vaccinating and deworming and then preparing our patients for surgery. Some families came in with multiple pets and then we were in charge of all of the animals from the same family. All in all a lot of fun. I really enjoy interacting with clients and patients together.

It was a pretty long day with clean up beginning at 7:30p and rounds ending at 9:15p, but we learned a lot and got to practice a lot of “doctorly stuff” along the way! So far I am surviving my vegetarian diet. Turns out that’s not nearly as tough as taking an ice cold North Dakota shower haha. I do mean ice cold! If it was any colder the shower would be sleeting! I had to be very creative about washing without really getting wet (I’m a huge wimp) and I am certainly going to work harder in the coming days to take showers at “better” times when perhaps the water will still be warm? Maybe I’ll just get up at 3am instead!

Tomorrow is another 6am morning and this time I’ll be in anesthesia. Very much looking forward to seeing the next step of patient processing for the RAVS clinic!

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