Saturday, January 10, 2015

Banfield is "Wishing Lucy-Passed a Happy, Healthy Birthday!"

Imagine my surprise and disgust when an email entitled "Wishing Lucy-Passed a Happy, Healthy Birthday!" showed up in my inbox today. Why thank you Banfield, a reminder that my beloved dog is still indeed dead 1 year and 3 months after she passed away is just what I was hoping for today on the 10th of the month. Clearly your system is aware that Lucy is not a living pet, as she has been named Lucy-Passed in your records. Additionally, Lucy's birthday is in June, and that would also be part of your records. This is an unbelievable, hurtful, and tasteless mistake made. 

Update 1/11/15:
Banfield's reply on Facebook...
Nice of them to address the wishy-washy apology to my dead dog. I just want a nice, sincere apology, and maybe an explanation as to how this happened. Regardless of the her "status" in their computer systems, it wasn't even her birthday. And her birthday should have been properly entered into their computer system. If you are going to wish my beautiful girl a happy birthday, at least have the sense to do it on her actual birthday! We shall see how and if they respond to the email I sent as well.

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