Tuesday, October 11, 2011

An Average Tuesday...with Cupcakes!

Well, today was a pretty boring day. Long day of lab and classes but nothing very interesting. We started equine nutrition today with a new professor and I know that most of the class is currently thinking "YAY!!! She speaks American English!!!" I only understood occasional words from the person that taught ruminant nutrition and the professor that did a general overview of nutrition was from England which meant mostly just listening to his accent when he spoke, not what he was actually saying haha.

My back is so incredibly painful and red still :(. Advil takes the edge off but other than that nothing helps! I have researched and tried several things. I am just looking forward to a few days from now when things are hopefully better! It hurts to move, apply ANY pressure at all (this includes the faint touch of clothing), or just generally exist haha. I wave my white flag! I will be a ghost forever and be happy about it! Even if it means spending much less time with the fishies :(. When I'm home in December, I think I'm going to stock up on any kind of aloe and sunscreen product available to see I can find something to help me cope with the strong Caribbean rays!

I ate my first mango earlier. I shared it with a friend who happened to have a different variety in her fridge so we compared the two. I liked hers better. She found it in a tree on campus, I got mine at the grocery store (apparently its the same type the sell in the states commonly). It was alright. A little bit tart and pulpy for me. Better than pears though. Yes, my weird taste aversions and pickiness continue :-p

I am currently making a few cupcakes for myself, I really hope they turn out better than yesterday's bread! It's good, just not aesthetically pleasing at all haha.

Well good news! They turned out wonderfully and taste great! I am such a self sufficient little Caribbean baker :) Yes, I just set the little cups on a piece of foil in the oven. Creativity is awesome! The semester can only get better than this, what else can I make!

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy this time of your life, girl. Before you know it, these four years will have passed by and youll find yourself wondering how the hek it happened. Keep the blog posts coming! I am so enjoying spending time with you during your island adventures via this blog!
