Sunday, October 2, 2011


Well I apologize in advance because this week is going to pretty dull in the blog world since the ONLY thing happening in my life is studying and exams. For instance, today I woke up and studied histology/embryology for 10 hours. Very exciting. Then I studied horses and food animals (slightly more interesting), and now I am going to study physiology. I didn't leave my room at all today (not even to go into the hallway!) but it rained all day so I don't think I missed much haha. Anyhow, I don't think I mentioned this little story before so here it is!

Over the last month or so, there have been occasional sightings of cute black and white kittens in front of and around my dorm. There are several other adults that hang out regularly over here too (you can't approach them though, they're feral and know better). They're getting to be about teenage sized now-I hadn't seen them in a couple of weeks and they're getting big! Last weekend, I passed by my window (I have the loveliest view-a 10 foot tall stone wall and sketchy little ally) and happened to catch a glimpse of the kittens playing out back! All 5 of them together (usually I only catch them singly or in pairs)! Two were sitting off to the side while the others were batting around an object. I of course stopped to watch, because which sounds better-kittens or nutrition studying? Clearly the kittens win that debate.

So this black and white kitten is batting a long and thing object around while the other two watch totally fascinated and occasionally taking a swing too. It took me a moment to recognize that it was actually a lizard that they were kicking around, but from its completely limp form and lack of movement, I assumed it was dead. Then after one swat, I saw it twitch its head! A bit horrified that the kittens were beating up a live lizard, I emptied out one of my supply boxes and ran out to shoo the kittens away. I figured that if it was badly injured, I could take it to the clinic with me since my shift was starting in an hour or so.

When I got within 20 feet of the kittens, they all went scrambling off back up the wall to watch me from a safe distance. I searched for the lizard for a good 5 minutes or so but found no trace of him! Hopefully that means he escaped relatively unharmed, poor guy! Silly kittens beating up another critter :-p.

Hopefully that was redemption for probably killing the gecko (unless he managed to get back outside). As a brief update on that, my friend told me in the middle of the week that there had been a gecko sighting. Apparently she was napping one day and her roommate saw it about a foot from her (my friend's face). Her roommate was going to wake her and let her know that the gecko was there, but my friend looked so peaceful and restful that her roommate decided that the sleep was more important. Haha! Now there is a good medical student! Not only did she not freak out about a gecko being loose in her room, but she also let it be when she knew that her roommate needed the sleep badly!

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