We started the day off by going to town to do some shopping. We got up earlier than my body would have preferred after this long semester, but we made it and found lots of fun items! My roommate was looking to get some gifts for her family in town and I was pretty much just there for the experience. One thing I noticed for the first time was people selling crabs. Like the crabs you cook in a pan and eat. Except that these crabs were leash tied to palm fronds and still alive-some were still struggling to get free. As an animal loving individual, it broke my heart to see these poor animals like that. I know that I'm anthropomorphizing when I look at the crab and think that it is acutely and very well aware of what it is going through and what is to come, but I do know that on a basic level, it does know that it is doomed. And that makes me very, very sad. I don't eat seafood. I don't like the taste, and I can't bring myself to eat sea life. It makes me sad. I look at any of them and their eyes grab my soul. I am not a vegetarian-I don't feel that way about other animals, but sea critters are just a no-no for me. I did a search to see if I could find a picture of these tied up crabs, and found one from a news article in Trinidad here.
After a few hours of wandering around the city for a couple hours, we made our way back to our end of St. George's and popped into the mall to pick up a couple of things quickly. My roommate needed some thing from the grocery store and I needed to grab some packing tape.
When we got back, I decided I had better start poking around at my stuff. I hate packing. I HATE packing. Seriously, I would rather repeat finals and have them be cumulative for the entire semester than pack. Even once it's done, I just don't feel relaxed until everything is away and I'm on the plane. And even then, I really don't care for the international portion of the flight so it's really just best when I'm at my destination. Thankfully things are going much better than they did last year. Ugh I don't ever want to repeat that, that was awful! Such a time crunch and way too much stuff to sort through! Things are kind of approximately where they need to be at this point. We are planning on going for one final swim tomorrow morning, so after that and a shower, I'll pack up all of the bathroom stuff (the towels will need a final washing and drying) and then we'll also have to tackle the kitchen. Hopefully that won't be too bad. I have a ton of boxes that I've been stock piling which has been very helpful. Much more helpful than the two I had last term!
Oh, I should mention that not too much paint was destroyed in taking down all of my wall decorations. There are two large loose pieces, but at least one of them was really from the previous tenant, and the other isn't terrible. There are some missing patches here and there too, but oh well. Nothing I can do! It was very tedious to very carefully peel everything off and try to preserve the wall! I blame a lot of the ripping on the high humidity in my room. Today it's been at 75%, and everything feels damp. Paper feels as if I took it out on a summer night and set it in the grass, it's disgusting. Rumor also has it that they were on such a time crunch to finish this building for students to move in last fall, that the paint did not get the requisite amount of time to dry before being invaded by students. At any rate, I really don't care. If they charge me for it, whatever. I'll be annoyed, but the sanity of having decorations and pictures to look at is far more important to me than the paint!
Okay, time for bed! I have an insanely long and crazy day tomorrow and then leaving here first thing Monday morning!!
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