Saturday, June 1, 2013


So far, I can't really say this trip is going how I thought it would. I anticipated arriving in sunny tropical Mexico, exploring around, diving all day today, lounging around and enjoying nice weather, etc. Instead, it was rainy and overcast yesterday, very overcast and rainy today, pouring tonight, and my sinuses are too clogged from allergies for diving. Not that I'm complaining (well except the diving bit, I'm really bummed about that), it's been a laid back itinerary so far and we're about to get slammed with a packed schedule.

My roommate and I are currently highly amused because it is raining so hard and so much right now that the hotel (which has an open floor plan) is flooding. Lucky for us on the second floor it's not really affecting us, but some of our third floor counter parts are getting just a tad bit wet. As in water is flooding under their doors! Whoops! I figured this kind of thing must happen often the way the place is designed, but the clerk at the front desk seemed equally surprised (and maybe even more dismayed than us!) at the volume of water pouring down from every where! At one point he exclaimed "how am I going to get home?!" to which I replied (with hand gestures) "swim!" With wide eyes he looked at me as said "but I can't swim! I will be stuck here!" Ahh the ability to swim. Something I apparently take for granted!

I feel like my classmate and I are getting along in Mexico really well. Nothing really surprises or bothers us and we're very flexible. Thank you Grenada for these skills in patience! Normally when something happens in Grenada that is annoying or silly, we exclaim "TIG" which stands for this is Grenada. Kind of like a silly catch phrase for writing something off.

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