Sunday, September 22, 2013

Another Week Down

Well, we are officially 1/3rd of the way through classes now. We just finished week 5 of 17, with two of those 17 weeks being exam only weeks. I must say, I'm really not overly fond of 3rd year so far. I constantly feel tired and behind and extra stupid. Vet school in generally has a habit of making you feel dumb all the time, but I think as long as you can accept that, it's healthy. Sounds crazy? Here's the thing - it is impossible to know everything about every little detail. That's why veterinarians don't really practice medicine on all species nowadays. Unfortunately, in school we are indeed expected to know everything about everything which makes things a little bit frustrating.

I feel like really only have a good understanding and handle on two of my five classes. Small animal medicine (my favorite) and small animal surgery come fairly easy to me. Large animal surgery isn't difficult in the sense that the material is tough, but I have no experience with horses and large animals and so it makes it much more difficult truly understand what's going on and keep the 1.8 million things that can go wrong in the horse straight! I doubt I will ever have a good handle on theriogenology. That class is a total mess and disaster. It is disgusting that the university is allowing this sort of situation to happen and continue. This man has no business teaching and instead needs to be receiving the appropriate medical help - both of which aren't happening. Thankfully we have a visiting professor starting this week so I can at least go through this week perhaps understanding what's going on. I am so tired, angry, and anxious about not understanding anything in this class. Not only is it a 4 credit class, but this is information I need to know for clinics and my national licensing exam! GAHHH! Lastly we have diagnostic imagining. In all fairness and honesty, I haven't done much true sit-down-and-figure-it-all-out studying for this class yet, so perhaps when I do that I will feel more confident, but for now it's all just shadows and imaginary things! I actually feel like I have a decent base for radiology thanks to my time in undergrad spent hanging out with boarded radiologists, it's really more just putting the technical words to the things I see.

Our other two classes that I don't count because they don't require in-class time are clinical practice and junior surgery lab. We only have 4 rotations for the former so that's not so bad (our second is coming up in a week) and then junior surgery is once every week and a half or so. I'm up next for being surgeon for our 3rd and final castration. Yikes, poor dog! The only thing I really don't like about that class is how time consuming it is. There's a lot of out-of-class time involved and when I'm already short on time to give, it just adds to the neglect of everything else, most notably Lucy. I'm sure she could make a mile long list of her complaints and grievances this term! Actually probably not - she's a happy-go-lucky dog, but I'm sure she would appreciate a little bit more attention!

So that's where I'm at academically these days. Long weeks, lots of studying, quite a bit of confusion, and sometimes not nearly enough sleep (although I certainly do try!).

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