Thursday, October 10, 2013

Rest in Peace Lucy

Today I lost my very dear friend Lucy. Greed got the better of her and laziness got the better of me. As you may know, it's our midterms week so things have been a little more than hectic with all the studying to be done.

This morning we had our third exam of the week, large animal surgery. That class scares me. A lot. My friend and her dog were over yesterday studying for this terrifying exam. We studied in the pool for a bit and then in my kitchen. We had some snacks, read our notes, let our dogs lounge around together.

This morning while I was at my exam, Lucy helped herself to the remainder of those snacks. Although I pushed them to the center of the table before I left, it wasn't enough to discourage her from being a thief. First it appears she stole a handful of vanilla oreos. At some point she found herself a granola bar to indulge with, and then I can only assume that finally she went for the 2/3rds empty bag of cheetos on the table. By the time I found her, she was passed out and long gone with her head stuck in the bag.

I am beyond devastated and distraught. I rushed her to the clinic in case a miracle could be performed, but I knew in my heart that she was gone. They did everything they could, but her snacking and thieving had gotten the best of her.

Why didn't I take the extra two seconds to put the food away this morning instead? Why did I even buy those silly chips full of calories? I could ask questions for hours, but it simply doesn't change anything. Perhaps I could have been more vigilant, or perhaps she could have been better trained, but it was just simply her day.

I can't understand the loss, she's just six years old. We deserved many more years together. More time at the beach, more time to cuddle, more time for walks. Who is going to get me out of bed in the morning? Force me to go outside each day for a walk in the sunshine? Listen to all my ranting and raving about life? Be my gym buddy? Snuggle in bed with me each night? Keep me safe? Be my canine companion? My heart is simply broken and I am at a loss for words. I know I gave her a fabulous home, but it doesn't stop me from wanting her to have that home for many more years to come.

Lucy I love you and will miss you dearly. My heart won't be the same without you and my home will be very lonely. I hope you at least enjoyed those tasty snacks and I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you in your time of great need. You were a great dog every day we were together.

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry. This is so heartbreaking. I couldn't even begin to imagine how I would be if this happened to our baby. Go out with some friends or have them over and talk about all the good times you had with her, and have them share their memories with Lucy. It really helps a lot. I know a lot of people might consider it silly, but as future vets we are silly for how much we absolutely adore our "children", but you could have a memorial service for her. If we were closer, we would come! After having Ellie as our first dog that either of us has raised from a puppy, we realize how INSANELY attached we are to her. I really hope that you are doing okay in this awful situation. Please let me know if you need someone to talk to. I am sure you have a great support network down there. We are thinking about you.
