Monday, December 30, 2013

2.5 Years Looks Like...

107 credit hours later, this is the long list of classes I've completed so far in 2.5 years. That's an average of 21 credits per semester. For comparison, to be considered full time as an undergraduate at Virginia Tech, you had to take at least 12 credits per semester with most of your science students averaging 15 credits. The maximum you could take without override (uncommon) was 18 credits per semester. All you pre-vets out there, do try not to be too jealous of this list. I remember being in your shoes once and now I look back and wonder "what the heck was I thinking!!" I think that's the vet school exhaustion talking as I still haven't caught up on sleep apparently given that I can still go to bed at a decent time, fall asleep easily, sleep late, and take a nap during the day no consequence and I'm more than 2 weeks into break!
  1. ANPH 501 Veterinary Histology and Embryology
  2. ANPH 502 Animal Nutrition
  3. ANPH 506 Veterinary Anatomy I
  4. ANPH 512 Veterinary Physiology I
  5. ANPH 514 Animal Welfare and Behavior
  6. ANPH 516 Professionalism
  7. LAMS 502 Veterinary Clinical Orientation
  8. PTHB 502 Introduction to Research
  9. SAMS 501 Radiology I
  10. ANPH 503 Veterinary Anatomy II
  11. ANPH 504 Veterinary Pharmacology I
  12. ANPH 513 Veterinary Physiology II
  13. PTHB 503 Veterinary Bacteriology/Mycology
  14. PTHB 512 Veterinary Immunology
  15. SAMS 502 Radiology II
  16. SAMS 515 Veterinary Physical Diagnosis I
  17. ANPH 505 Veterinary Pharmacology II
  18. LAMS 501 Veterinary Physical Diagnosis II
  19. PTHB 505 Veterinary Parasitology
  20. PTHB 506 Veterinary Pathology I
  21. PTHB 515 Veterinary Virology
  22. PTHB 532 Clinical Pathology
  23. LAMS 503 Introduction to Clinical Medicine
  24. PTHB 507 Veterinary Pathology II
  25. PTHB 510 Veterinary Public Health
  26. PTHB 511 Veterinary Epidemiology
  27. PTHB 516 Avian, Fish, and Exotic Animal Diseases
  28. SAMS 514 Introduction to Surgical Skills
  29. SAMS 520Veterinary Anesthesiology 
  30. LAMS 516 Large Animal Surgery
  31. LAMS 519 Theriogenology
  32. SAMS 513 Diagnostic Imaging
  33. SAMS 518 Small Animal Surgery
  34. SAMS 522 Small Animal Medicine I
  35. SAMS 526 Introduction to Clinical Practice
  36. SAMS 527 Junior Surgery & Anesthesiology Laboratory
  37. Elective - Marine Mammal Conservation  
  38. Elective - Veterinary Disaster and Emergency Management
  39. Elective - Wildlife Conservation 
Still to come:
  1. LAMS 505 Equine Internal Medicine
  2. LAMS 515 Food Animal Internal Medicine
  3. SAMS 524 Small Animal Medicine II
  4. ANPH 520 Veterinary Toxicology
  5. LAMS 533 Ethics, Jurisprudence, and Career Development
  6. SAMS 528 Small Animal Clinical Services
  7. LAMS 529 Ambulatory Services
  8. PTHB 530 Laboratory Diagnostics
And then 48 weeks of clinical rotations at NCSU that will consist of 24 two week rotations. AKA no-sleep-for-a-year, being-an-inept-idiot-every-day-x365, or slavery (that we're paying for haha).