Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Year Three Commences!

Oops, guess I need to get back into the blogging routine! I feel like a bit of an imposter in all these medicine and surgery classes. Never has it felt quite so really as it does now, it's crazy! We've spent the last couple of years getting through the bits and pieces, and now we're tying it all together and picking up a lot more responsibility.

Junior surgery lab begins a week from Tuesday, and a in a week from tomorrow, my surgery group will have completes our first castration. Our class also spends time in our hospital on Wednesday or Friday mornings. Our classes this semester are small animal surgery, large animal surgery, small animal medicine, diagnostic imaging, and theriogenology (reproduction). The only class we haven't had yet is theriogenology, and it sounds like we will be putting that off until next week due to some scheduling issues.

So far everything is going well. Some classes feel a bit more overwhelming than others, mainly diagnostic imaging and large animal surgery. We just started talking about equine lameness and I already feel lost! I have a lot to figure out when it comes to horses and large animals! We are also enjoying a week of nearly free mornings. I love it! Aside from getting home late every day and feeling bad for Lucy in the evenings, I really like sleeping in! We each have two hours of morning anesthesia lab this week, and a few of us have started our clinic shifts, but other than that, just catching up on sleeping, studying, and organizing the apartment.

Tomorrow a group of my friends and I are scheduled for a night dive. I am so excited! It's all I can think about! I have a serious diving addiction, but how could I not? The ocean is so beautiful and I have just 9 months left here!

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