Monday, July 16, 2012


We euthanized a very sick guinea pig today at work. I am glad the owner left her in our care rather than being present (for once) because I cried so much! She was a very ill little girl and was definitely suffering and having a hard time breathing, so euthanasia was a very kind gift for her. However, all I could think about was my beautiful girl, and how I absolutely dread the day I have to face something like that with her. I keep telling her she has to live forever! She is on the best food, supplements, and treats around haha. I am leaving her for another 4 months in less than 30 days, and while I am looking forward to getting back to school, I dread having to leave her behind. I just feel absolutely terrible. She doesn't understand what's going on. She only knows that I'm not around for a very long time and she misses me. We have a special bond that just can't be replaced by the rest of my family. They take very good care of her, but there is no denying that she prefers me to cuddle and pet her, and that she loves all the time I spend around her in my room. I am hoping she can get moved to a more central location in the house this fall now that my brother with allergies will be in college. Maybe in the kitchen or family room where she'll get more attention and action. I sure do love that little piggie so much!

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