Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Swimming, Cake, and Candy

Went for another quick swim today-yay for getting out of my room, getting some vitamin D, and moving my muscles and joints around! The water was much calmer and clearer today (which was perfect because my roommate tagged along). Unfortunately we didn't have a whole lot of time, but it certainly felt good to get out!

It's my vet school roommate's birthday so naturally we had cake to go with it! Unlike most grocery stores, IGA here sells superb cakes! They are so moist and tasty, it's really quite amazing! They taste like a homemade cake rather than something you picked up at your local grocery store bakery (I've now had 6 of them so I feel fairly confident in backing their deliciousness haha). She (and I) love chocolate, so I opted for a very tasty chocolate truffle cake, complete with chocolate shavings! It was super delicious (but then again, when is cake not??).

The other noteable event today was a SCAVMA meeting. A few of the executive board members went to SAVMA symposium recently so this meeting was all about their conference, some other random announcements, and the best part-FREE STUFF! If you happen to be a student, then you totally understand why free knick knacks (no matter how useless or tacky, or how many you already have) are amazing. For those of you who aren't I can't even begin to try to explain. It's just some sort of phenomenon. It's free therefore you feel like you absolutely must have it, and it is clearly the best and most useful thing(s) to add to collection ever! It's like free food. Doesn't matter if you had pizza every day for lunch prior, if you happen to run across it for free on day 5, you will automatically feel compelled to accept, and it will taste delicious (even if it's cold, old, and stale). It's just one of those weird things. Anyhow, my take home was some pretty purple beads, a few pens, and some candy. The candy is significant and probably the best part. Why? It's not because I'm still young enough to think that all candy is amazing, but actually because candy doesn't really exist here. Sure you can get a few select, highly over priced items, but for the most part you're out of luck. You know that candy aisle at the grocery store? Yeah, that definitely doesn't exist here. There are a few things at the registers and that's about it. So getting some candy? Big deal! 

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