I tend to rarely use textbooks nowadays. It used to be that I used them a lot for reference, especially around test time, but in vet school I've found that professor notes are pretty sufficient. I ask questions when I have them and use Google as needed, but for the most part it's just putting all of the pieces together. One reason I've really strayed from using books is because it seems as though they almost never have the concept I'm looking up. This is particularly true with my physiology book. I swear, the only time I had a question from the notes I wanted to look up, it wasn't covered by the text. That's a lovely $150 paper weight I've got there on my shelf.
Okay, on to today's story. I was working on my anatomy study guide this evening and that involves free hand drawing lots of little pictures for myself (because I remember them best that way). I was working on listing and drawing glands. Some of them were in the notes, but not all, so I pulled out my color anatomy text. Much to my delight, it was full of sketches and I was easily able to complete my little drawings except for one. The preputial sinus had a short paragraph about it, and then said to see figure 35-11/5. I searched the book and came up with nothing, so I went directly to chapter 35 and began counting figures-1, 2, 3...9, 10, end. There was no figure 35-11/5. Guess it's a publishing error? I was equally amused and annoyed because while it was funny to be sent on a hunt for a non-existent picture, coming up empty handed meant that that drawing was still incomplete in my notes! Luckily I was able to find another drawing that included what I was looking for in the book-I tried a Google search, the results were...interesting (though not as graphic as I had prepared myself for).
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