I didn't stick around to find out how badly pharmacology went this afternoon, but other than that exams went well. So many late nights, not nearly enough sleep, and way too many facts to memorize. The hardest part of veterinary school is coping with the enormous volume of material thrown at us all the time. It often feels like I'm nearly drowning, I have so much to do.
This weekend will be spent sleeping and enjoying myself! Tomorrow we're planning on going to town to shop and explore. Hopefully on Sunday we'll get some quality beach time in. This is iffy mainly because the weather has been cloudy and rainy lately. So we'll see. We can always just go snorkeling on campus of course, but it would be nice to actually go the the beach for once!
Tonight we started off by having a celebratory dinner at my favorite island restaurant, Dodgy Dock. The food was yummy and we watched it rain under our canopy for a little bit. At the end, they also had live music and dancing. A ballroom dance group comes and couples take turns and the diners are invited to enjoy themselves too. Lots of fun! The vocalists had lovely voices and the dancers were very talented!
(sorry these aren't very high quality!)
Now it is time for a nice long good night's sleep! I am so very glad we do not participate in daylight savings time this weekend, no lost hour for us!! In addition, I will also soon be back on eastern US time (it'll make things a little easier for communicating back home!).
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