Okay, everywhere *might* be a little bit of an over exaggeration, but by 9am tomorrow, i do believe there will be water fully in the bedroom portion of my dorm room.
Where is the water coming from? Well it appears to becoming out of a hole in the wall where the tile of my shower joins the wall. In my bathroom. The water also has a slightly greenish/yellowish tint to it. Lovely.
So I'm not sure when this all started, but I can tell you with certainty that it wasn't there when I went to bed last night and I'm fairly certain it wasn't there this morning (after all, I would hope I'd notice wet socks! Anyhow, my schedule goes lab from 9a-12p, lunch from 12p-1p, and class from 1p-5p. While I was in lab this morning, water made its way out of the hole and onto my floor. At this point, I had a bath mat down so it absorbed most of the fluid. When I came home from lab, I walked in a decided that I wanted a shower (eww dead things and formalin!) so I walked into my bathroom to get stuff together. All of the sudden I realize my sock is wet! Very confused, I look down to see that half of the mat is soaked and that there is a small puddle near the hole in the wall (I have actually seen water here before, but it was no more than a few milliliters and it didn't expand in size before disappearing).
The first thing I did was pick up the dripping mat and set it over the shower to drip dry. The next thing I did was cancel my shower plans for my room (wanted to be able to say with certainty that it wasn't water dripping from the shower!). I instead borrowed a friend's bathroom to solve my problem (there is nothing I'd love to do more than scrub myself from head to toe with bleach after lab everyday, but I refrain and settle for soap instead).
When I returned to my room, I noted that the puddle had increased in size a bit. I decided to monitor it over the next 20 minutes and make a plan from there before class. When time was up, the puddle had spread farther across the floor so I submitted a work order and crossed my fingers that someone would come in while I was gone. I also had the foresight to lay and hand towel across the door opening to prevent the water from spilling into my room.
When I returned from class 4 hours later, it was clear that the water had really spread. The towel was saturated (and slightly yellow/green) and water was visible on the floor. It is important to note that the water is mostly spreading via the grout on my tile floor. Rather than forming just one big puddle, it kind of branches out all over the place randomly. My RA decided she would call on-call maintenance when I returned in an hour from a review session.
We put in a call, but I kind of assumed maintenance would take their sweet time to come. Turns out I was wrong, it only took an hour! I was expecting it to be 10p not 8p before anyone showed up! The man was very nice and came in to take a look. After a quick examination, he decided that it must be the hot water pipe leaking and decided to turn the hot water off for the night (glad I showered earlier!!!). He explained to me that it would have to be fixed tomorrow, because he did not have the right tools to deal with the problem tonight. He also seemed quite certain that turning off the hot water would fix the problem. I smiled and watched him leave, and remained very skeptical.
However, I didn't have much time to contemplate whether he was right or not, because I have a physiology exam tomorrow and I was ready to head to the lab to study for 5+ more hours. When I got home a few minutes ago, the water had seeped out into the kitchen and is headed for the bedroom. I'm hoping that tossing another towel down on the floor will help to stave off it spreading into the rest of my room, because I don't really want it going under my bed (even though there's nothing under there).
The real question right now is, will I remember to put shoes on before I get out of bed in the morning? Because if I don't and I end up with wet, gross feet, I will be grumpy. Probably also amused though too.
(hole) (you can't really see the water, but maybe the idea carries through?)
The story is now to be continued...