Tuesday, September 13, 2011

When You're On An Island...

Resources are limited! One of my favorite ways to study during undergrad was to write and erase things on dry erase boards. I have tons of them! I had initially planned on bring them with me, but then I ran into weight problems with my suitcase and decided not to even bother. I also decided that if I didn't have my boards, I probably didn't need my markers. Sadly, this is not the case. Since moving here, I have vastly expanded my imagination to use my limited resources in ways I would not have thought of before. For instance, I have perfected the art of cooking steak in a pan on my stove. It is delicious!

Anyhow, back on topic! The post is really about how I turned my shower into a dry erase board this evening. We have our first anatomy exam tomorrow, and along with a ton of other things, one of the sections is drawings. We were given 12 drawings and told to know and memorize them for the exam and that a few of them will show up (we will be asked to draw them basically from memory). Generally, the best way to go about a task like this would be to draw the pictures out a few times. I could use paper, but paper happens to be pretty precious (and rather expensive! ~$7-8 for a normal pack of printer paper!!) so it is preferable to use as little as possible. The obvious solution would be a dry erase board, but since I don't happen to have one, creativity had to kick in. Can you think of any common household surfaces that could erase easily? My classmates and I have come up with bathroom/kitchen tiles, the mirror, and the window. The window isn't so great once it's dark out (especially if you only have a black marker). Since my shower was dry, it suddenly seemed like the ideal place to practice! Here are the various drawings, now you can marvel at my extreme lack of artistic talent!


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