Monday, September 12, 2011

Beware of Puddle Sharks!

It rained quite a bit here this evening. Whenever it rains on the island, things tend to start flooding quite quickly. An area outside our dorm walkway is particularly prone to puddle and pool formation. Luckily, amongst all of us boring students, we do have a comedian! This is what I found when I returned home earlier:

In other news, I am almost 100% certain that the bites I received the other night were from sand flies. They can be found along the coastal beaches apparently. I must have brought a few home with me after walking along the shoreline on Friday :-/. I was initially relieved to find out they were likely sand flies until I read that they spread leishmaniasis! Go Google it if you don't know what it is. I'm a little concerned since I showed up with more than 30 bites! Yikes! To add to the mental image, I took a picture of my leg earlier to give you an idea of how bad the biting really was. These welts itch like crazy and it takes TONS of self control not to sit there and scratch them all day long. Pants make everything so much worse! The picture was taken just after I showered which happened to make the itching unbearable, thus there are some red marks there, but I promise I'm being pretty good otherwise!

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