Friday, August 5, 2011

The Packing Begins...Sort Of

So I started packing today. I've been idly tossing things into one of the suitcases for a couple of weeks now, stuff that I never use (scrubs, shoes, sheets, etc). Today I made a little more effort to pull stuff out and put it in there. I dumped it all on my parents bed (hehe) with the best of intentions to inventory and organize it all, but I didn't really make it past 50% of my school supplies. Oopsies : D

When it comes to cleaning and organizing, I am easily overwhelmed. Case in point: my room and college stuff. Never really made it through all of that stuff despite my best intentions and efforts. Oh well, guess it's not really an issue anymore!

I was at least kind enough to remove all of my stuff from my parents bed so that they have some place to sleep tonight. Aren't I nice? (okay the real reason it was on their bed is because their room is HUGE and that's where the suitcases have been living-and admittedly, there is no space in my room for it all haha).

Pictures of the stuff in my suitcases:

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