Friday, November 2, 2012


Two exams and one quiz down, a final, an exam and another quiz to go next week! All in all so far so good. Hope I can say the same about next week!

I can't believe it's already November, how did that happen?! Time just flies down here. It probably does at any school, but when it still looks and feels like August outside every day, it's hard to argue against time going fast! 3.5 more weeks of classes and then a week of exams stand between me and being halfway done with my classes in Grenada. Wow. Next semester we start introductory surgery skills and medicine classes - it feels like just yesterday that I was learning about basic anatomy!!!

Anyway, I thought I'd post my absolute favorite pictures from this semester. Photos that I consider worthy of framing potentially someday. Enjoy!

So these are my absolute favorites. I've saved 2,088 pictures to my computer from this semester alone. I've deleted some of the really crummy ones, so in 3 months, I know I've taken more than that. But these are my favorites. I have a lot of really nice pictures, and a lot with fun memories, but these ones make me inhale sharply when I see them. If you are wondering what the real secret to taking beautiful photographs is, it's really simple. Take a lot. I'm almost guaranteed to log 100+ pictures every time I take my camera out. They don't all turn out great, some are just down right terrible, but if you take 6 different shots of the same thing, you are much more likely to have a really nice picture. So take a lot of pictures. Try out your camera settings for fun. USE MACRO. I just figured that setting out last spring - best thing ever! Be persistent. Underwater shots can be tough with moving subjects in moving water. On things that are sitting still in the water (like the crabs, lobsters, urchins, corals, etc.) I probably average 8-10 shots. Moving water is the devil! You'll line something up and you'll snap it and it won't quite be in frame. Or it will be slightly blurry. Then its reset, snap again, and see what I've got. Over and over again. So be patient, be persistent, and take a lot of pictures. That's how you become a truly great photographer. You don't have to have some super fancy camera! These are all from a point-and-shoot!

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