I went to Grand Anse beach today for the first time since early last term. It's such a pretty beach but not so great for snorkeling (at least not compared to everywhere else) and getting there and back on the weekend bus schedule is a huge pain, so I just really haven't been. But a friend wanted to go today, so a few of us trekked over and enjoyed a lovely afternoon in the sun.
For the first little bit, we just hung out in the water. It felt "cold" getting in initially, and then it just felt wonderful to float there. After the others decided to get out, I opted to snorkel for a few minutes and see if there was anything worth taking pictures of. The area with vegetation and stuff happens to be rather far out and at least 20ft deep. Angry congested sinuses are not a fan of doing anything more than looking from the surface, so I couldn't really dive down and see if anything deserved a better look. The water was crystal clear today, but it was still kind of difficult to distinguish all the darkly covered objects from one another so I decided to head back. On my swim back, I came across my first ever sand dollar!! I was super excited! I think I saw one or two with the help of one of my classmates where we used to swim by the cliff and he would then retrieve them, but this was just lying there on the bottom staring up at me! I of course had to get a picture of it - must document the find! Let's just say that diving for pictures and retrieval was rather painful. The amount of pain an pressure in my face while I was deep under made me wonder if I was going to hemorrhage out my nose and ears! Luckily that's a bit dramatic and was most certainly not the case haha.
After I collected my sand dollar, I excitedly continued my journey to shore to show my friends. Maybe 20-30 ft from the original spot, I found another!! No picture taking this time, just down and back. Two in one day after 1.5 years?? Crazy!!
I also saw an eel while I was swimming - wish I could have gotten better pictures because he was pretty cool looking, but oh well. All in all, an excellent swim and it ended in spotting a rainbow!
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