I got caught up in being a good friend last night and forgot to post - sorry!
Well, two days down, 16.5 more weeks to go! The first two days haven't been too bad. I must admit, having to sit in class for 8 hours yesterday was pure agony. I am not used to sitting still for that long!
We started yesterday morning off with 4 hours of physical diagnosis 2 (large animal edition). It will be a great class and we are going to learn a lot, but I was not feeling an attention span for that long! The afternoon consisted of parasitology, pathology, clinical pathology, and virology.
Parasitiology is going to be a great class. The professor is awesome and hilarious, and she is going to make learning the material a lot of fun. I am already creeped out by the parasites though! We talked about Ekbom syndrome today, and I'm pretty sure that's going to be me by the end of the semester! Eeek! So many gross fun facts. For instance, apparently there are 1 x 10^6 bacteria per fly leg (times 6!). Ewww!
Pathology...ehh. So far it's kind of boring. The professor is really nice, but not very interesting. To top it all off, I can't really understand him well. We shall see how this progresses.
Clinical pathology. Definitely looking forward to this class. So far it is very interesting. My only complaint might be that he moves a little bit slowly, but much better slow than fast! I'm already enjoying answering the questions he asks the class (I like looking smart haha).
Last on the list (for now) is virology. This class is team taught by three visiting professors. The first professor is here for the 1st 10 lectures. After two days, I am pretty much ready to shoot myself from boredom! He is so dull. He seems like a nice person, but I'd rather claw my eyes out than sit through a 50 minute lecture with him! I am so glad he is only here for a little but, because I am just dying in this class so far! Ugh!
Tomorrow we have pharmacology 2 for the first time. Wonder if we'll get another terror lecture on day 1 like last term! I think we're all sufficiently scared though from last semester and the stories of the current 4th term students! I really hope pharmacology goes well this semester because I really like the subject and the professors. We'll see, fingers crossed!
We are currently being spoiled with mornings off this week. I love it! Nothing to do until 1:30p each day is pretty fantastic! I love sleeping in!
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