Friday, August 31, 2012


It has been kind of a hectic couple of days. Also, because I can. I've taken to staying up late a few nights now to study. Wonder if this will become a habit?

Anyhow, I was walking outside at about 8:30p here the other night, when it occurred to me that there were so many sounds all around me. At 8:30p here, it is long dark. The sun sets very early (we get about 12 hours of daylight each day). So as I walked, this is what I heard:
-chirping frogs (they are very noisy!)
-the hum from some sort of cricket or other insect
-mooing from a cow near by
-a faint emergency vehicle siren (did not know those existed till last night!)
-laughing and conversation from the students waiting for buses to take them home
I did not hear any traffic. No honking of horns, no racing of cars on pavement. All in all, it is very peaceful here at night. The view from up on the hill here is spectacular, and little twinkling lights dot the surrounding community and mountains representing a simpler way of life. There is no traffic, no one is in a rush. The island folk are home with their families, the students are studying. There is little pavement here. You look around, and everything is green and lush and dotted with colorful vegetation. The air smells fresh and pure. Everything just is, and it is very soothing.

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