Wednesday, February 1, 2012


This two-exams-per-week thing is already starting to wear on me, and it's only the first week of it! Knowing there's an exam every couple of days is already becoming exhausting. Some times I feel more motivated to study and get things done than others, and when I'm not interested at all and am procrastinating like crazy, I feel frustrated. I'm just very good at sitting still for long periods of time (and admittedly the computer can be a bit distracting!).

This afternoon I was having trouble focusing, so I decided that since it's a lovely day out, I'd go out to a pick-nick table to study. Well, that was a great plan...except that nowadays we have quite a tropical breeze blowing at all times. Although my papers were fairly well contained, it still got to be very annoying after only a few minutes. I gathered my things back up and stalked back inside. What good is it living in such a beautiful (warm) place if I never get to see it?!

In addition to not being able to study outside well, the wind has made the water more choppy, the air cooler, and the water murkier. I am not a fan. A light tropical breeze is nice, but some days I feel like I'm still in Blacksburg just with warmer temperatures!

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