Sunday, April 8, 2012


My surprise of the day was getting a message at 11:40 this morning begging me to come to the small animal clinic for a 12p-5p shift. Having no other real plans other than to study, I accepted and even managed to make it there at 3 minutes to 12p. Nothing like running around grabbing all my supplies, books, a cup for water, and a quick granola bar and begging my roommate to bring me lunch some time in the next several hours haha. It is also at least a 12min walk there.

Anyhow, it was pretty quiet. The other girl working and I mostly just hung around chatting (and not getting any work done haha). Our patients were pretty quiet. We did have a fun time trying to get a finicky blood pressure on one dog, and had another call about an emergency, but that animal came at the change of shift-nothing for us to do.

My vet roomie and I made a delicious "island" dinner for Easter that consisted of rosemary garlic potatoes, ham, and cauliflower. Easy things to come by on the island and they were all quite tasty! We laughed at the end of the dinner because the prep for this is so easy! We really should put more effort into cooking like this more often. It probably took 10 minutes of prep time in all and the rest was just waiting for things to cook! Very easy, healthy, and delicious!

Happy Easter!

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