Monday, April 9, 2012

Teeny Tiny Surprises

Vet roomie and I finally managed to fit in some sun and sand time today (okay she went Friday, I was lazy)! I am of course no tanner because of my obsession with looking down. Today the tide was unusually low and I was able to easily have my face in areas I've never been before (usually because it's just slightly too deep or too rough). A small tidal pool revealed a cute little hermit crab, a large snail, a hungry crab, and some small fish. All you have to do is sit and watch!

When I finally got it, I explored very close to the shoreline (think 8" water) and found some teeny tiny surprises! Lots of micro shells and hermit crabs! The tide also brought the fish in closer and made the sea life just generally more active. Not so great for reef swimming (although it is plenty deep enough around the edges regardless) but it didn't matter because they came to us!

I thought I only brought home shells today, but I was just perusing my collection and found a (sea) hermit, much to my surprise! Since he was still alive (huge sigh of relief), we rushed him back down to the water! It's such a  beautiful night out too. Perfect temperature and breeze, and you can see all the stars and moon crystal clear (no clouds!). Hopefully the little guy makes it! I feel terrible about the mistake :(.

Another cool find today was a live conch. It was just browsing the grasses snacking on algae as it lugged itself along. It was funny to watch it move! I did some reef swimming and saw more new fish as well as hundreds of fish hanging out in the less shallow water. Apparently they aren't huge fans of low tide either.

An excellent way to spend my last afternoon of "break". I managed to get a ton accomplished this weekend despite declaring I would do no school work (which I knew was a lie even as I said it). Back to the grind tomorrow. Final for immunology on Friday-yikes!
 Low tide today! And no clue what that is haha
 Snail! And the little guy I found 8 hours later...oops!
 Itty bitty and an itty bitty inside a teeny tiny!

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