Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Veterinary Behaviorists

I have added another are of veterinary medicine to the list of things that I am NOT interested in. That would be behaviorism. Yes, there really are veterinarians out there that specialize in animal behavior problems! This means that they had to complete extra training and pass a board exam to become a specialist in behavior.

Not talking down on the field of behaviorism, but ugh it is not for me! We are currently in our third (and final) week of Animal Welfare and Behavior and I cannot wait for this class to end. The first third was interesting about the ethics and welfare of animals, and the little bit of human psychology that has been thrown into the mix is mildly interesting, but as soon as we start talking about common behavior problems (like separation anxiety) and how to work through them, I get completely bored.

I'm mildly amused that I am so disinterested in this subject considering my intense fascination in humans and the field of psychology. Heck, I even completed a BSc in psychology! So I'm not really sure what about veterinary behavior that has me shaking my head and saying no thanks! For anyone who is interested in reading more about veterinary behaviorism or is in need of a specialist for their pet:

As a refresher, this list includes:
Any type of farm animal
Any type of food animal
All things equine
Veterinary Behaviorism

And on an unrelated note, happy palindrome day! 11/02/2011 (I think it's pretty cool haha)

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