Friday, January 6, 2012

Grenadian Coco Balls

Grenadian coco balls (equivalent to US instant hot chocolate packets) are an interesting novelty that I've seen at the spice market and at the grocery store. I've been curious, and decided perhaps they'd make interesting Christmas gifts. So I bought some.

Since they've been sitting on the counter for almost 2 weeks now, my mother and I decided to give them a try (gift to her). The instructions say to boil a coco ball in 3-5 cups of water for 5 minutes.
After boiling, you strain the liquid.
And then add sugar and milk "to taste."
The main problem with this whole coco balls thing is that it smelled and looked like plant material. Not overly appetizing. Kind of unfortunate. My mother and I took a brave sip. DEFINITELY doesn't taste like hot chocolate. Not even close. Instead, it happens to taste like you might expect a plant to. My ruling on the edibitlity and palatability is a negative. I am definitely not a fan. It's not that it wasn't sweet, I just didn't care for the plant-like taste. However, I wouldn't be too surprised if I did something wrong, because other classmates have had them and found it all to be quite delicious. Oh well!

ETA: yeah, apparently I did it wrong...

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